Monday, September 12, 2011

First Oscar predictions: Best Costume Design

From here out Oscar season begins. Here are my first predictions in the category of costume design

This is probably one of the easiest categories to predict as Academy always goes for the period costume or the fantasy element.

The following are no specific order

1. Sandy Powell-Hugo-The Academy Awards seem to always love nominating Powell. Her work is detailed and beautiful. She has won 3 Oscars and has been nominated for 9. This film is showy and has magical elements which should prove a plus for Powell for Academy voters.

2. Ariane Phillips-W.E.-Though the film was poorly reviewed out of Venice, Phillips' costumes were complimented for the detail. Period dramas are usually given recognition for their costumes even if the film isn't great. Phillips whose been nominated for 1 Oscar may be on track for her second.

3. Michael O'Connor-Jane Eyre-This may be a lock as his costumes are sumptuous and lavish but also subtle. They are striking but they don't distract from the drama. However this may be a problem as the academy is always looking for eye candy. O'Connor may have an uphill battle this year as the film came out in March and the costumes are not distracting but I feel confident that the Academy will keep him in the run this year. O'Connor was last nominated for the Duchess and won.

4. Denise Cronenberg-A Dangerous Method-After its Venice premiere Cronenberg's film was acclaimed for its elegant style. Denise Cronenberg has never been nominated for an Oscar but this may be her chance. As I've stated period films get most of the attention and this film is already getting a lot of attention.

5. Mark Bridges-The Artist-The film received raves at Cannes and now it is getting a lot of attention. Mark Bridges' costumes recreate the 1920s dress, a task that is very difficult especially when the film is also trying to recreate the silent film. These costumes may not be locks but they definitely have a chance.

These are other films that have chances but I find them to be less likely to make the top five.

Sharon Davis-The Help-Colorful costumes are eye candy for voters. Plus Sharon Davis was already nominated twice for similar work.

Anna B. Sheppard-Captain America:The First Avenger-Beautiful superhero costumes combined with war and period costumes equals a likely chance of a nomination.

The list is endless but at the moment these are my top 7 picks that I think have the best possibilities of getting nominated.

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